The men that set up the tanks as well as the delivery guys are nice as can be. The officce workers however make this a terrible choice. My tank has been allowed to run dry twice in under a year and I am sittiing here as I type HOPING I get a delivery today (a Friday). If they don't come today I will have to wait until Monday. My tank has been allowed to run dry even though I authorized them to put me on their auto-fill service, which means the tank should be checked anytime the driver in in my area. I had to allow a full credit check for this to happen and the secretary has yet to enter the information so the driver will have it when he is out making his rounds. I have a copy of the form, but until she enters it, it doesn't do any good. All this causes hardship not only because they are willing to let a customer be without gas for up to 4-5 days, leaving you without the basics like hot water, heat and/or the ability to cooking , but you also have to be home when they do get around to delivering so they can run another line test. I switched from Amerigas for the same reasons. The allowed our tank to run dry several times while on the auto-fill. When you rely on these companies to hold up their end of the bargain, the need to be more sensitive to the needs of the customer. Forcing families to go without hot water, heat and/or the ability to cook, especially with the cold temps we are experiencing is simply unacceptable.
Pros: The set up men and the drivers are nice.
Cons: Don't hold up their end of the deal, slow service when a problem arises.