Hey, you won't believe what i've found! That's right ,a place where you can hear real, true-life teachings, about God, man, and their relationships!!! No hype, just plain, down-to-earth, honest-truth. It sure is refreshing ! A little warning though, these folks lean towards some of those, well, you know, old fashion family principles. Although not the "perfect" community of believers,,they're sincerity sure shines bright!. I really appreciate, being able to break bread, with them, every sunday at 9:30 a.m. You can take some"quality time", and quietly reflect on the person and work of the Savior, without feeling that your being "entertained to death". A half hour coffee time is great for small conversation at 10:30 a.m.;;; From 11:00 to 12:00 you can sing and engage in precious bible lessons taught for todays many challenging and perplexing situations! The location is easy to get to , just 5 blocks north of broadway on 8th street. map it from the www.website. so , as they often say COME ON DOWN and join us !! We would love to meet and get to know you. Council Bluffs has many things to offer on the weekends, so if you just want to visit, while in town, please feel free to join us ,, anytime, thanks , daryl
Pros: calm, casual, small, and warm gathering
Cons: no frills, thrills, or bleacher seats !