My boyfriend's perscription was shorted 20 out of 70 pills at Costco Pharmacy in Issaquah; they even stored the pills in a smaller bottle. I was right beside him when we counted it. Costco claimed to have ""recounted 3 times"" and refuses to admit any fault, which can only mean ONE thing; my boyfriend's medicine (which, by the way, is the strength of morphine) was STOLEN by someone in a white coat, someone we should have been able to trust. My boyfriend is unable to get the proper care he needs and is now lying in bed, pale, cold, sweating, SUFFERING, because a Costco Pharmacist stole his medicine (not to mention we lost $100+ because we payed for pills that were not there). Pick up your medicine here if you like, but I would advise counting your pills out right in front of the cashier. Who cares if they think it's 'annoying'? This is your health we're talking about here. Don't let Costco Pharmacy abuse you. \r
And, YES, Costco, I'm going to post this review everywhere I can! What you have done to my boyfriend is disgusting, and I will fight to the end for this.