This is actually an Iranian (IM NOT SURE) store but it also attracks a lot of Russian and Israeli people. They sell all kinds of imported goodies that the people who come from the other side of the world really miss: pickled goods, meats, cheeses, dried fish, jams, candies, cakes, sardines, cookies...the list goes on and on. This place is kind of cheaper for some stuff than buying at Russian stores but it is more expensive than buying in a regular supermarket where things actually go on sale. This is because they have to bring all of this stuff from a really long ways away. Even if you are pure "American" you should still stop buy and check it out. Buy some goodies that you have never seen before. If you have never had caviar,, you need to! They have it for like $14.99 a pound. Also pickled hering is another must- have.