Do not use this service. It is a total rip-off. We submitted eligibility for around 100 people as batch files. When we received eligibility info it was usually correct HOWEVER the files often came back blank so we kept submitting them until we got eligibility info back. This ""company"" charged us for over 900 (NINE HUNDRED!!!!) submissions. We only have 100 patients. When I called them and told them there was a problem they sent us a list of requests, not a list of responses. No one at the company is willing to look at the fact that THEY had a technical issue and want us to pay for their mistakes. I understand that mistakes do happen. it is only human. An ETHICAL company however would resolve this issue and not hang up on customers (TWICE) after being rude and unapologetic even though we were being polite and trying to solve a problem. NOT THE WAY TO DO BUSINESS. NOT THE WAY TO KEEP CUSTOMERS. NOT THE WAY TO TREAT HARDWORKING PEOPLE. I have been in the medical field for over 30 years and have NEVER been treated this way before. PLEASE BEWARE!