I am 28. D.O. Leighton missed an intracranial tumor that reduced my testosterone to zero despite my having handed the diagnosis to her on a silver platter. U of M doctors, in a 3 day flurry, gave me proper treatment. At a subsequent visit due to obvious cystic growth, I was met with blunt refusal when requesting an additional M.R.I. To rule out any serious conditions associated with poly cystic thyroid or kidney (a possible serious condition u of m doctors warned could be related to my intracranial tumor) I was told by leighton to come back when I had symptoms. Leighton is an utter disgrace to modern thinking regarding interactive diagnosis and treatment. If she wasn't so busy talking 18 words per second regurgitating second year med school she may be able to actually apply something to a real world situation. Brutal, brutal experience. STAY AWAY