9 months ago I went for an eye exam and new glasses. My glasses are very expensive due to the need for progressive lens and other features. The glasses I was wearing when I went for the exam was correcting my vision for an astigmatism in both eyes. Dr. Chatelain indicated he could not find an astigmatism in my right eye. I had trouble with the glasses feeling "crooked" and went back a couple of time to have them tweaked. A dry-eye condition sent me to an opthalmologist who retested my eyes and advised I do indeed have an astigmatism in both eyes. No wonder my glasses felt "cockeyed". I contacted Cooperfield Vision to see about remaking the glasses due to their mistake but was told there was nothing they could (or would) do to rectify the situation and that the doctor stands by the fact that he found no astigmatism. I pointed out I had one before he examined my eyes and I have one now so how is it that it "disappeared" in between. They merely stuck to the "sorry but we can't help you". So I spent almost $1000 on a less than one year old pair of glasses with the wrong prescription.