This is my first summer in southampton, and coopers beach is.... eh.... Not bad for LI I guess tho. My hometown beach is Siesta Key Beach which Dr. Beach just ranked 3rd, (Coopers 4th) and the sand is white and soft like flour, so I wasn't impressed there. I was blown away by a $40 parking fee 7 days a week. There are a few beaches you can get at with free parking but I wont tell you where. Other than that, I guess not too bad, nice ""view"" on the weekends. The water is quite chilly, and mixed with the warm summer air it can often make for an oddly foggy afternoon, even if the village is clear as day. Final word, check it out if you're dying to go to the beach or dont mind paying $40 to park, I'll see you on my bike.
Pros: its a beach.......
Cons: parking, winey stuck up hamptonites, crowded