a few months ago I had a new a/c installed, then I called cool-air to come clean the ducts.... big mistake...I called made an appointment waiting there 3 hour window, person never showed, never got a call.. So I gave them the benefit of the doubt. Called again made appointment same thing happened.. ok 1 more chance ill give them again no show no call...so I went with a different company... so now all the small children in the house are having breathing problems so So I looked in the little flyer, found a number called made an appointment, omg....didn't realize it was the same company... they did it again..I waited from 3-6 their window.. great here we go again I even called at 4 5 and 6 and they said oh hes just finishing up his last job he will be there in a few this was at 6. so I got a call at 7 they said sorry he cant come today... again I will never use this company agin, The girl told me they ""have problems with the guy that does this area"" great fire him then....