Convertabath applied a faux granite finish to my guest bath vanity and shower surround. Upon completion, I noticed several areas that were peeling off. I expressed my concern immediately to the employee at my home and he said, ""It's normal and it will be fine when it dries"". Once the finish dried, I found additional peeling, clumps, areas where the finish was applied over old caulking and areas where the finish wasn't even applied. Weeks later, a member of my household simply rubbed his hand across the sink bowl and pieces of the finish came off. (When I repeatedly expressed my concerns over the poor quality work to management, their resolution was to re-spray the areas. (I assumed until their one-year warranty expired - then I was on my own!) When I requested a refund, they kept the $1,000+ from the poor quality work and demanded $1,400+ for a job they hadn't even started! I tried to work with the company but all they were concerned about was collecting the money!