Controlled Substance Managers, Inc. is a drug and alcohol accredited collection and testing facility in Highland, IN. We are recognized as Nationally Accredited for the Administration of Drug & Alcohol Testing Programs (NAADTP) by the Drug & Alcohol Testing Industry Association (DATIA). Additionally, our company is an accredited collection facility with all of our collectors meeting the certified professional collector requirements.
Our services include drug (urine, hair, blood spot and fingernail) screening, testing and collections for School Systems, Day Care Centers, DOT agencies (FMCSA, USCG), Drug-Free Workplace Programs and individuals.
We provide the following types of screenings:
• Pre-employment
• Random
• Post accident
• Reasonable suspicion or cause
• Return to duty
• Follow-up
•Annuals for school bus drivers
Negative drug test results are usually provided within 24-hours and most positive tests within 48-hours. Breath alcohol testing has immediate results.
A urine sample can be collected in about five minutes. Your employee will not be detained for a long period of time, as is usually the case at other medical facilities.
We offer an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Training Course for supervisors. The course is designed to train all personnel who are designated to supervise drivers under the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations as defined in Part 382.603.
DNA Testing is also available for paternity, siblingship, grandparentage and ancestry.
Call Controlled Substance Managers Inc. today to schedule an appointment for testing.