I was threatened twice this morning by the driver of Consolidated Cab Assn (car #10). I was stopped at a red light on my bike at Columbia and Connecticut. He pulled up behind me and started furiously honking. I turned back and asked what the problem was. He told me very calmly that he would ""squish me like a chicken."" I said ""What?"" And he repeated ""I will squish you like a chicken."" I noted his information made use of the light when it turned green.
This is completely unacceptable. A car is a dangerous piece of equipment and threatening to run someone over is the equivalent of carrying a loaded gun and telling someone you're going to shoot them.
I called CCA to deal with this and the receptionists said she wasn't surprised that cabbie acted that way- apparently this is his MO- and gave me false information about who to contact (turns out the public service commission isn't right). When I called back and said I'd call the cops if they didn't give me the correct information they said they would talk to their driver.
I will be taking this case to the police as well.