We were looking for a new church and never thought I'd find one we liked. We want something authentic (hate when people pretend to be something they are not), a church that was truly Christian and had a big heart for social matters like helping those who are hurting and suffering. It needed to have a good kids program but didn't completely separate the kids from the family. The music is by a large band and is upbeat and professionally sounding without being all about the music. And the messages are not only relevant, but they are not all about being happy or wealthy but can be challenging and thought-provoking. This is a church for those of us who dont want to just play church but are serious about our faith, but realizing that everyone is welcome no matter what part of the journey they are on.
Pros: Honest, genuine people who all admit they are sinners. Very much a community feel.
Cons: The building isnt glitzy or glamorous. They tend to put more money and effort into serving those with needs than themselves. It's a cool space but wont win any design awards.