These guys posted a ""deal"" on livingsocial, 2 ski or board tunes for $53. While that's not the greatest bargain in town, it's in line with other area shops, and I thought I'd support a local business. Except when I took two pairs of skis in, the oafish slob of a manager rudely sent me packing to read the 2 point font print on the deal that only allows it to be used for one pair of skis. Who needs one pair of skis tuned twice in a row!? When I politely asked if they could be flexible and do 2 pairs of skis, the manager became extremely boorish and aggressive. This is a classic case of misleading advertising through fine print. The manager's caustic ""thanks for coming in"" as I left with my untuned skis was so dripping with sarcasm that I needed waders to slog through it. Clearly, the motto at Confluence is ""Customer Service... PSHAW!""