Responding to the Unprofessional Security Guards
Say a guy walks in a building and he""s ask to sign in
he keeps going. He comes out of the restroom with a
gun and glove on. He shoots the Security and two other
people and leave you being one of them.
Point : He did not sign in so you have nothing on him.
If had signed in chance of getting him would be greater
you would have his handing and finger print.
Know being rude is not excepted, however we must understand rules apply to all in these situations.
As a Security Officer we have to protect all not just
some. The Officer should been pleasant no matter how
bad the situation but you should have done your part
for your safety and others.
And have seen Confidential Security Officer in action
and they are great. You on the other hand want to take
down a whole company for what one Officer did to you
That is not fair to those who are out there doing a great.