There are several ways you can check out a company, especially a service company. Go to the Better Business Bureau website ( and find out about Compton's. Also, they are a member of, a watchdog group that reports on bad carpet cleaners. ( You can also find them at the IICRC website ( Call the company directly 972-938-2708 and ask for references. Any reputable company will furnish these to you just for asking. Check out those references. Finally, use your own judgement. Compton's has been in business for 16 years! They've expanded their fleet, expanded their office, and expanded their personnel. They must be doing something right! Talk to your friends or coworkers. Find out who they use and why. Have they ever used Compton's? What was their experience like?
Don't just listen to someone writing on a blog. You don't know this person so why would you trust their judgement? They could be an employee or family member of a rival company. Maybe they have a grudge against one of their employees. You just never know. If you listen to "somebody" and don't find out for yourself, you could be cheating yourself out of finally finding that reputable company you've been looking for.