I'm giving one star b/c it won't let you select 0! My family and I were in this Summerville store yesterday. My 3 year old daughter found a Yo Gabba Gabba hat and glove set. After we finished our shopping, we went to the checkout. My 3yr old was eagar to give the cashier the hat set herself like a big girl. Which my daughter said outloud in front of the cashier as well. The second she handed the hat to the cashier, who is the MANAGER of this store, the cashier snatched it from my daughter and stated that it can't be bought b/c the tag was torn off. My 3yr old started to cry and was very upset. It turned out that my kids had accidentally torn the tag which was still in the cart. As I handed the tag to the cashier I continued to ask her why I couldn't buy it. W/out an ounce of emotion, this woman said it's against store policy and she can come buy it next wk when it's back out! If the store policy is to break the hearts of children, then they've done it! We'll never shop here again!!\r
My parents owned a thrift store a little while ago. They were always doing nice things for the people in the community. This store could take an example from them. That woman is a manager, she could have bent the rules for my daughter seeing as how I found the tag and the tears on them matched. It's not like we walked up there with a TV that had a 2 dollar sticker on it! This was just rediculous. We have already gotten all of our friends and family to agree not to shop at this disrespectful and unkind establishment ever again.