Our insurance companies are paying Community Hospital to hire unsocial, noncaring staff. Who is going to make sure that everyone get's treated fairly, not made fun of, and get's the treatment needed? For a two week period ranging from the Emergency Department to Inpatient to Surgery, my insurance and my co-pay's paid for me to suffer, listen to what was going on in all the other patient room's, being made fun of because ""The Community Staff thought I should not be in that much pain"" and called names. It is time for the people and the state to ensure that the treatment given is fair, not prejudged based on your last visit, and one more thing to say the least appropriate healthcare based off of an individual need. While being a patient an aide informed me of a paper generated out of Indianapolis based off of ss number and name that show''s all hospitals every visit to doctor and what the diagnosis was. That form is only used to help the staff make fun of you and call you a ""medicine seeker"" if you have made too many visit's to the hospital in their eye's. Now this does not count if you are an employee there or you have brought your family for care. You should have heard what the nurse said about the room next door and the fact that lady had Medicaid. I would rather die than be taken somewhere like that again. They need to not think about a new building and invest in some new staff. Just because you may have sought out a medical degree, does not make you any better than me. I just chose another career and maybe the Medicaid lady was disabled at birth and can't pay for better insurance. She obviously qualified or she would not have it and me knowing her insurance really is none of my business!!!!!!! Let's put healthcare back to caring first!!!
Pros: There was one nice nurse
Cons: Prejudgement, payment by insurance to hospital to be treated poorly, no one to make change