Comcast Xfinity TV
The most HD shows and movies on TV and streaming online. Xfinity on Demand gives you the latest episodes from
all the major networks - on your TV or streaming online so you can catch up and keep up with your favorite shows, anytime, anywhere. Watch your favorites on your Apple or Android tablet or smartphone with Xfinity
Comcast Xfinity Internet
Get download speeds up to 20 mbps and upload speeds up to 4 mbps with PowerBoost! Get the best in online protection with Constant Guard, including top rated Norton Suite at no extra cost.
Comcast Xfinity Phone
It's easy to switch and you can keep your number. Unlimited nationwide talk & text at home and on the go - simply download the free Xfinity
Connect app and you will be on your way. Readable voicemail sent right to your email (included at no extra cost).