This is not a job.... it's an independent contractor position where they will load your car up with 1000 pounds of fake art pictures and you will go door to door trying to sell them on commission. You make like $5 per picture so you have to sell a lot of pictures just to break even not to mention .... how long will your car last? They have these BS morning meetings that are a lot like a cult with chanting and grunting. If you accidentally break a picture.... you have to pay for it so you lose money. The owner is a real slimy looking dude and the managers are like brain washed monkeys spouting about how rich they are going to be by selling pictures out of their cars. I felt bad for them until I realized how many people they must lie to and turn over just to pay the rent. All I could think of when I left was.... what a bunch of losers..... research this place before you end up finding out the ""real deal"" an hour away from the office with some cult follower peddling crappy art knock offs.....