Left wing ultraliberal orientation radically inculcating students at every level of the school.If you want your children to be exposed to all the socialistic and communitarianistic ""diversity"" blather ,\r
then this is the place for you. If you want overt homosexual indoctrination for your children, then this is the place for you. The headmaster, Mackenzie, is bright enough to know what he is doing with his liberal agenda, but he is contemptuous enough of normal American families to blatantly pander to local lingerie magnates. He is going after the money as all lefties do. If you want your children raised in an educational atmosphere respectful of your right to instill in your children your own family values, then you need to be elsewhere.\r
Now, you might think that the school's political agenda would be secondary to their educational objectives. No, no, no! Well-off parents want to believe that their children's education is in excellent hands at CA, but they should think again. If you look closely at college acceptances and SAT/ACT scores, you will see a dirty little secret. It took me a while to hone in on it. If you look at kids who have gone to CA for their entire education, they do not excel. CA needs to import smart kids from outside into their upper school in order to get acceptable data. In other words, the longer you stay at CA, the dumber and weaker your kids will be. You will be diverted by all the happy talk about how advanced your children are. They are not advanced; not by a long shot.\r
How do I know this? I had 4 children at CA spanning 10 continuous years. I paid cash. I was heavily involved in every aspect of their daily education. I saw with my own eyes and talked with Mackenzie on occasions to numerous to count. After witnessing the leftwing orientation and failed education, I took all my children out. This was the best educational move we ever made.\r
My children were getting mostly A's at CA, but when they were tested for entry to another school, they ranked at 58%! No where near what we were told, but closer to what I suspected all along. If you want weak, soft, limp children, send them here. If you want strong, smart and aware children, look elsewhere.