Awful. Both baskets of rolls our waiter brought out were small, burned, and hard and the soda was watered down. The steak was below average and there was more fat on it than I usually get in a steakhouse. But that's just the food. It looked like all the waitstaff were college kids and they were acting like complete idiots. One of them was making very loud, annoying bellowing noises like a retarded person for at least 30 minutes while joking around with staff and handling dishes in a room right next to the tables where we and a bunch of other patrons were sitting. A woman sitting at the table behind us actually said ""I don't see why he's making those noises unless he's retarded."" One of the male staff standing at the counter at the entrance was also acting like an idiot as we were leaving. There are better steakhouses in Conway. This place needs to hire some mature staff.