God bless this organization! While so many national-level pro-life leaders are becoming severely compromised in the battle against abortion (from pro-choice groups like National Right to Life to pro-life organizations like Focus on the Family) who are increasingly supporting pro-abortion judges like Samuel Alito, our openly pro-choice president, and morally compromised regulation of child-killing.... in contrast, CRTL is truly leading the charge against moral compromise on an increasingly national level, partnering with the world's biggest pro-life group Human Life Int'l, Operation Save America, American Life League, etc. Whether it's educating the public about the destructive nature of abortion, the catastrophic failures of the Republican political strategy of the last 30 years, sponsoring the annual Walk For Life, or peacefully protesting at the clinic (roughly 100 babies saved every year) or at the homes of the abortion providers (driving these murderers out of the industry), these godly Christians are making a real difference while our pathetic politicians squander money and time accomplishing nothing. CRTL is actually the oldest pro-life organization in America, formed in the few days immediately before the first legalization of abortion here in Colorado in 1967 (signed by a Republican governor, before Roe v. Wade was decided by a Republican supreme court with the opinion written by a Republican judge). On a side note, they do an outstanding job in educating pro-lifers on why violent vigilanteism is an IMMORAL strategy against abortion. I encourage you to check out their website, read their 40/50/1 pledge (strongly supported by Joseph Farah of WorldNetDaily), and read a detailed analysis of the recent, horrendously barbaric partial-birth abortion ruling, as well as that ruling itself! My wife contribute regularly, and may become more involved later this year.
Pros: Vision, effectiveness, tough-yet-loving, uncompromised
Cons: Need more financial support to increase their scope even further