We set up an appointment for 4 hours and said we were happy to have them work longer if needed. My in-laws were coming to visit so price wasn't an object.
One guy came and to his dismay, I work from home so I was here. He even made an irritated comment about having a homeowner around while he was cleaning. It was a beautiful day so I was working outside and not in the house while he was doing his thing.
After 2 hours he came to me to tell me he was done and leaving. I was shocked and came in the house and looked around. My bathroom had hair in the tub still and on the floor. He may have wiped the tub out but it was not 'clean'. My kitchen floors still had marks on them. He was argumentative and told me he was done.
I was bullied. After he left I really started to look around and he had not dusted a thing- no pictures, shelves or window sills. The microwave, inside and out, hadn't been touched. It was a total joke and we called and complained. They sent out another lady the next day to do the job over.
What a waste of time, energy , and money!! If I hadn't been home to witness it, I bet that I would have been charged for the whole 4 hours although he was barely here for 2. Don't bother, look at using any one else but these clowns.