I went to Color Me Crazy in September for a color, cut & partial highlight on my short, thin hair and ended up paying $207 not including the tip. I was robbed. Upon paying, the gal said that next time it would only be $62 for a color re-touch, basically the roots. So, I thought I'd try it again and when I made my appointment last week, I asked what the charge would be because I didn't want to go into shock or be misled on the price and she told me it would be, ""$62."" So, I went in yesterday and got my roots done. Sandra Dillion asked if I wanted a haircut and I said, ""no."" So, she then picked up the dryer and started drying my hair. I thought it was part of the service. Nothing was told of the price or that it was an extra procedure WHATSOEVER. So, when I got to the register, the gal told me it was $62 then Sandra said, ""don't for get the blow dry"" and the girl behind the counter said, ""$87."" She charged me $25 dollars extra when I was just going home to take a shower. If she would have said, ""hey, I can blow your hair for $25"" I would have said, heck no!! I was dupped!! We have tried to call management and somebody was suppose to call us today about this incident but still hasn't. So, I am calling AMEX and filing a dispute. AMEX says it is a valid dispute. Nobody likes to be cheated and these folks obviously have done this before from what I read on these reviews. Pathetic!!