Hebert’s Candy Mansion in Bolton is the perfect concept, executed in the worst possible way. Heber’s devotes about 2/3 of the store to candy displays which display good, but over priced chocolates. The other 1/3 is devoted to the Ice Cream shop. Here you can get an Ice Cream Sunday at the build your own Sunday bar which provides you with a whopping choice of about three toppings (there used to be 5 or 6). Whip cream must be requested afterwards, which is usually served with a glair from the servers. All this for about $5.00. Signs around the shop indicate that no business is to be conducted on the property (so much for grabbing an ice cream with a coworker and lounging for a little while) no coffee is served, and “hanging out” seems to be strictly prohibited. So if the local teenagers (or frankly, adults) can’t go to the ice cream shop to relax over a cup of coffee or an ice cream while playing a board game (like at a neighborhood coffee/ ice cream parlor) where should they go!