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*Candida Treatment*Chronic Fatigue*Electro Acuscope / Myopulse*Treatments for Pain *Family Practice*Food Allergy*Functional Medicine*Heavy Metal Detoxification*Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy*I.V.*Chelation Therapy*Nutritional Support* Laser Surgery for Warts, Moles, Skin Tags & Hemorrhoids*Leaky Gut Treatment*Nutritional Advice As Adjunct to Cancer Therapy*Sclerotherapy / Prolotherapy for Chronic Pain Conditions*Spinal ManipulationBRANDFamily Practice- for the entire family* Laser Surgery-for skin conditions* Functional Medicine-it's not just drugs an surgery anymore...let's fix the underlying problems.Chelation-evaluate for treat toxic metals with the most experienced clinical metal toxicologist in West MichiganProlotherapy-for chronic pain and joint instability