As a charter member of our then independent church, some of my warmest memories center around attending Collegiate upon the Drake campus. We were much, much, more than a sectarian division. We were a close-knit group of friends and family who rallied around our pastor and who were faithful to our ideals. I made friends & acquaintances at 101 Meredith Hall during our weekly 11: AM coffee/punch fellowship that I never again in this life have hopes to duplicate. Our pastor was mild/mannered and soft spoken, a gentleman of the highest caliber, but my oh my, one of the most socially active and conscientious men it has ever been my privilege to know, an active advocate of anti-war sentiment and this during the height of the Vietnam Conflict. To this day, I have never known better times with friends or been as close to anyone as I was with my fellowship of family & friends during 1969 @ Collegiate located upon the Drake campus, signed Craig Christensen, 2733 MHR, Dsmia