Don't let the renovation fool you, this is a bad place to stay. Every morning you will hear the loud honking of the train that will literally shake your room because the apartments are so close to the train. Also, the water temperature often fluctuates making it hard for anyone to shower. On some days the water gets cold and warm, and on other days it will get hot and warm. If your able to live through the loud train and the flutuating water, then you should have no problem living with an occasional cochroach. If you are one of those people who take a lot of things for granted, then this is the place for you. It will teach you to never take silence and warm water for granted. It will teach you to have a greater appreciation for the little things in life that matters so much. It will also teach you to sleep through loud noises and earthquakes (I don't know if that will be such a good skill...).
Pros: Can't think of any
Cons: loud train, flucuating water temperature, cochroaches, sticky leaves all over the parking lots (during the winter), etc etc