Good: Nearly everything. I don't know how the owners find staff that is ALWAYS in a good mood. Even when the line goes out the door and it's chaos, the staff is grinning.. Bad: I wish it was cheaper, but I'm old enough to know that, in this type of market, you get what you pay for. You want cheap? Buy a gallon of something at the grocery store for $4. You want your eyes to roll back in your head? Go here.. Improvements: I always get my stuff to go. Get a quart, drop a few bucks in the tip jar, get it in the backpack, hop on the bike and haul for home. But, if I was an 'eat in' person, there could be more room.. Other: Quite simply the place to go. It's worth the trip no matter how far you have to drive. Obviously, the product is great, but the staff at this particular coldstone is simply outstanding..