I did not sign my child up for rank graduations. I signed my child up to actually test for her belt and not be walked through them. What I got was a child who cannot remember her forms a week after graduation. I wanted my child to work for her belt, not be given her belt because I paid for them. I signed my child up to learn martial arts so she would be able to defend herself. What I got instead were forms without any meaning behind them which were promptly forgotten after being given a new belt. I paid a year up front and it added up to a little over $100 a month. This would be reasonable if my child could have gone to more than 2 classes a week. I agree with AIHu3. Wish I had read that before signing up, I'd have reconsidered. The 100.00 a month does not include rank graduation, which is typical - and this is $48.00 every 8 weeks whether my child knew the stuff or not, $50.00 for a basic white uniform, the cost of summer uniforms, upgrade costs if you want your child to attend more than 2 classes a week, and approximately $140.00 for equipment for sparring - even though ""no contact"" is encouraged which makes no sense. Martial Arts is a contact sport and it's important to have contact to be prepared if attacked in a real life situation. I think no contact is a huge disservice to people studying TKD because they are given this false sense of security as they move up in the belt colors. I signed my child up so she'd be able to defend herself. Instead, she was given a false sense that she could when in reality she wasn't given the necessary tools. All Martial Arts Schools are supposed to promote respect for one another. I signed my child up to learn TKD, not get straight ""A""s. That's the job of the parent. I've always expected my daughter to get ""A""s and as a parent I work with her to ensure it. To rely on others is part of the problem with the education system in the U.S. today. In conclusion, NOT WORTH THE MONEY. I invested my hard earned dollars and what was received was some purchased colored belts that have no meaning behind them because my daughter wasn't required to truly learn the forms, an inability to defend herself, and a false sense of security.