Cobbler’s Corner was opened in 1975 as a small shoe repair business in Columbiana, Ohio. Our staff has over 75 years of combined experience. We now work hard making custom orthotics and fitting and adjusting foot wear to enhance personal mobility and quality of life. We have helped tens of thousands of people over the years to achieve a level of pain free mobility that they would never been able to achieve without us. We are the only state licensed pedorthic facility in the tri-state area as well as a Nationally Accredited Pedorthic Facility. We get referrals from the Cleveland Clinic, the Veteran’s Administration, the Ohio Bureau of Worker’s Compensation, Medicare and The Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation.
Cobbler’s Corner Our technicians use highly advanced technology such as the I-Step Digital Scanner which senses and creates a printout of the pressure points of the feet. With this technology, we can produce the bio-mechanical corrections needed for optimal foot function, safety and comfort. If you have Diabetes, Arthritis, Congenital Defects or just over-worked feet, we can help by delivering the perfect solution for your needs.
Cobbler’s Corner We cast, mold, and create custom orthotics on site, as well as fitting and making all necessary adjustments. All orthotic work is done right here on the premises by our skilled staff!
. Custom orthotics and fitting and adjusting foot wear to enhance personal mobility and quality of life. We are the only state licensed pedorthic facility in the tri-state area as well as a Nationally Accredited Pedorthic Facility. We get referrals from the Cleveland Clinic,the Veteran’s Administration,the Ohio Bureau of Worker’s Compensation,Medicare and The Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation.