I used this water company for a year and a half and I moved out a few days after christmas. I notified them of my move and instructed them that services would no longer be needed past Dec 26, 2008. I was told everything was good to go and that's the last I heard from them. That same week I went to the post office and filled a change of address out and have been recieving all of my mail that I am aware of. I never even thought about a water bill being due because I hadn't heard from them. They have my phone number on file and I never recieved a call in reguards to a bill. Today on March 12, 2009, I recieve a bill for $132.00. I don't have a problem paying for something that I am responsible for but, $50 of the $132 is a disconnection fee. I had the water turned off because I moved. Why should I pay a disconnection fee? I called the company and questioned them and I was told that since I didn't pay my bill on time that I was charged a disconnection fee. I asked her why hadn't I recieved anything before now? She had no answer other than that I must have put the change of address in after they sent me my bil. That's completely not true. I don't have an answer to why I never recieved a bill, I certainly would have paid it if I had recieved it. I asked if there was anyway to remove the $50 fee and was shot down. Myself and the lady on the phone went around and round, finally I asked to speak to a supervisor or someone else in charge. I was told that I was speaking to her. I then asked her, ""so your the boss, your the owner of the company?' She wouldn't answer me, she kept avoiding me completely. I finally got her to own up to not being in charge or the owner. She wouldn't transfer me to anyone else or give me a different number to call. She did tell me that she could leave some one a message to call me back. I'll hold my breath in the mean time! I guess the only compliment I could give her is that she was polite, but she wasn't willing to help me in any way.