I just wanted to say thanks again for your assistance during this whole process. I know our son felt very comfortable sitting for the SAT, and you helped him tremendously with his...
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Educational Therapy For:* Dyslexia & A.D.D.* Reading - Math Phonics* All Ages * All 1 to 1* Paul Klinger Ed.D., Director. One To One Reading and educational center is a unique facility where our staff of highly qualified and trained professionals work one on one with each of our clients.Our center serves people of all ages who have varying degrees of reading difficulties or other basic skill deficiencies. We specialize n educational therapy for students diagnosed as dyslexic,learning disabled,or under focused (A.D.D.) we also provide tutoring in some secondary school subjects for those who need short or long-term assistance. Our facility is open year-round. There are no contracts.EvaluationFor individuals who have not been recently tested,we usually begin with a screening evaluation to determine the nature and extent of any possible problem. This gives us starting point and the client an idea of what type of progress to expect,if indeed a problem is found.We believe it is of dubious ethics for centers or therapists to charge exorbitant fees for initial testing,only to recommen d the student come to them for the expected remedial instruction afterwards. Most learning problems fall into one of a few subtypes with varying degrees of severity.Lengthy or costly testing will not result in better or quicker remediation.Our screening evaluation is neither lengthy nor costly. One to two hours is typical,including consultation. If a more complete psycho educational battery seems warranted,or is needed for interdisciplinary purposes,we can provide such testing or will make appropriate referrals as necessary.