Well, I went there on a saturday night to see a drag show. Now, I can accept the fact that this isn't the most upscale bar...there was no stage...no platform basically the only way you could see was crowding around a corner of the bar. What ended up happening is the crowd was so large that we became trapped in the back end of the bar. We walked through the crowd once to go to the bathroom and I ended up getting sexually assualted because it was literally jam packed, we were on on top of another. I tried to remain civil about it an continue to enjoy myself. When it became time for me to leave, seeing the crowd still packed up and blocking the way to the front door I asked the bartender in the back if I could go out the back door exit. He said it was policy that we could not use that door. I explained to him how the crowd was so bad, and that I had gotton sexually molested the last time I went through there. He stated, it was policy and forced me to pushed my way back through this crowd of angry people. People were literally falling on top of each other. It was a step away from a riot or something awful. Someone could have gotton really hurt. I should have called the police. I will never return to this bar, in fact I will encourage people to stay away from this bar.
Pros: The make a good drink.
Cons: Just kind of a crumby bar, needs bouncers during events