Words are cheap – action is what counts. Stand up for what you believe in – get your money’s worth! Demand the other party deliver as expected and required. You do the same!
This is true of ALL business situations [your insurance company, healthcare, even Walmart]. A landlord-tenant relationship is a little more complicated with a fairly complex lease [designed to favor the Landlord] and Florida Statutes – which are there to protect both sides. But ultimately, VOTE WITH YOUR FEET – it’s a big world with lots of options and you don’t have to accept anyone’s “let them eat poo” attitude.
Been at Club Mira Lago [an Olen Living property] four years – never missed, was late or bounced a rent payment. Started out good, but declined over the years – primarily in noise [the reason for our pending Small Claims lawsuit and termination of lease in Feb 2018] and safety [sex in the parking lot in front of our unit, including leaving used condoms AND unabated mold problems].
Mira Lago is good with small, routine, low-cost maintenance – anything else is met with resistance, delay and denial. Understand a business is designed to maximize revenue [rent] and minimize expense [repairs]. Mira Lago raises this to an artform and tries to eliminate expenses. Appeals to Senior Management [in FL, CA or with owner in Lighthouse Point] are ignored.