This place is dirty disgusting, even if they did add food (which is way overpriced for the area, the establishment and the portions). It is filthy dirty, so it makes you wonder where the food came from, and how long it has been sitting out. \r
The nightlife there brings in all dregs of humanity, and the police have been there many many times. Also feel free to google it, but somebody was murdered there. The drinks are also overpriced, and the bartender that night sat talking to a guy who was at the end of the bar, talking about everybody who came in. Lord have mercy if you did not give her a good enough tip. Well, the word is that if you give her a big enough tip you'll get more than just alcohol and the illegal drugs she solicits after hours, if you know what I mean.\r
I saw a cockroach in the bathroom too. So if you want to catch an STD, this is the place.