There are two matters that need mentioning: First, Hurricane Irene knocked our sign down causing panic that our business was closing--thanks to Creative Landscaping Design our sign is stronger and more noticeable than ever. Thank you for doing a great job. Second, it has come to our attention that there is a Cloud 9 Massage Therapy in Fall River. This affiliation is not associated with Cloud 9 Spa that has been in practice in Fairhaven for the past 8 years. Our prices and services reflect we have our clients best interests at heart, and for that there is only 1 Cloud 9 Spa that stands alone. Due to continuing economy crisis, Cloud 9 Spa of Fairhaven would like to offer $5 off every booked massage during the 2nd week of Nov., Dec., and Jan. (price does not include gift certificate purchase). It is important for all of you to take a moment to destress. It is amazing what one hour of relief can do for your well-being. We ask that all surrounding businesses in massage therapy do the same for their valued customers as we are offering to ours. How about it Fall River? and Dartmouth? and New Bedford? and Marion? and Mattapoisett? heck all of Bristol