Well I will keep it short and (un)sweet. Got there at 11:00 am, and waited until 12:30 pm. They never opened. Normally I would chalk this up to some kind of emergency, but when I talked to a couple that was also there, they said that this is week number three of them trying to come to the store but every time they get there they are closed. Another group of guys stated that they were on week two of trying to come. So I decided to keep a running tally of people that showed up and then left when they found out that they weren't open.... 19. 19 people came to the store and left. Oh well they have lost my business for good. I guess Marshall Street gets it from now on! P.S. - Before you even say it, I know they moved. I was at their new store. I also called periodically throughout the day and they never opened. Why post hours online if you are not going to open the store.