I am VERY disappointed in the clinic. I really liked going to them, when I would wait for my meds to be filled I would talk to the floor manager. She was ALWAYS very nice. I even decided to donate money for the older people who couldn't afford to pay for there perscriptions. But this morning. The pharmacy tech that runs the insurance card, wouldn't even look at my card. She imeditaly said it wasn't an insurance card and that it was a pharmacy discount card and they don't take it. The thing is, ive had the same insurance since 6/1/13 and they have filled over 20 perscriptions for me! But now all of a sudden you don't fill it. And all she did was stood behind the glass making stupid comments and when I left kept talking about me. I will NO LONGER go there. I rather go to CVS Up the road then EVER go back there!