City of Clearwater could really be a fabulous city. Traffic lights need a real traffic controller to keep traffic flowing instead of sitting. All the money spent on such non sense. So many homeless causing crime and peeing on building in broad daylight. Why would any business come to this horribly run city that it is very evident they do not have any concern for the businesses in this city. Downtown crazy dilema with those horrible curved streets that are so very annoying to even go downtown. Terrible parking. This city has so much money if they could just stop spending it on causing more confusion. Please get somebody inoffice that knows what they are doing. They could spend money on things that helped like more garbage tow away. No it is much better to put all those studid concrete things in the middle of the street to cause traffic problems then to clean up this filthy city. They managers of this city probably live somewhere nice. What are you guys thinking. You are so unkind to touist, homeowners and to businesses. Just an awful place.
Pros: Clearwater Pier
Cons: Traffic lights