Clear View Stables has not always been know for its management, however things appear to be looking up for this decrepit business. New barn manager Thersilla Oberbarnscheidt may be just what this ridding facility needs to reach its full potential. As the only trainer at the barn you can drive up at anytime and see how she has brought along the ""track-rats"" that used to be called ""lesson horses"" to potential show ring quality!
However If you are looking for a ""clean"" riding facility, Clear View Stables will not deliver. The horse stalls show extreme wear and tear from board horses, the water buckets are cracked and from what i have seen, always need cleaned or filled. The driveway needs major maintenance. the dust in both the outdoor and indoor arena could be easily fixed by generous consistent watering. And the field are over taken by weeds. I would recommend bringing your own tack and equipment, for the school equipment is not the greatest, but if need be, it is safe and gets the job done. Thersilla (better known as Tessy) is sure to bring this barn to the best that it can be. Barn owner Wendy is hardly around and can be difficult to reach via phone, however, Thersilla is knowledgeable and reliable, but can be intimidating towards beginners. Even with its down sides I would recommend Clear View Stables!