Thomas and Miguel have got the half-art, half-science of hair down cold. Thomas sculpts designs in people's hair that practically qualify as display pieces for one of the nearby art galleries. Miguel describes his chair as the "computers and politics" chair, and neither the conversation nor the haircut ever disappoints.
These fellows have a world of experience from the actual world, as well as being experienced haircutters. It's kind of like having two energetic, engaging reference librarians, but with scissors. Both men are involved in the community and devote an unusual amount of their time and talent to various worthy endeavors, when they're not tending to business in the barbershop.
It's rare to find a modern-day business that has heart and soul as well as a good product. This one qualifies on all counts.
Enough of the word has gotten out about them that attempts at walk-in haircuts are unwise. Do the smart thing; pick up the phone and call for an appointment.