It's a great place! We have been taking our kids there for 15 yrs! Now those of you that gave reviews about safety issues are just irresponsible yourselves! first of all, your 16v yr old deserves what he got to be going down the baby slide....obviously you weren't teaching him correctly. It's a " baby" slide and like everything made for a specific size, 16 yr olds are obviously too big, so of course you would been at great risk for injury! It's not rocket science, it's about parenting! Take some responsibility! As well as the lifeguards issues, well that is different from yr to yr but what I do know is parents seem to want to and do just drop their kids off and expect employees to babysit. The guards job is to make sure they don't drown, not anything more. Now if parents don't watch their kids that's on them. The safety of YOUR kids is your job first than the guards, not the other way around!! You ignorant people need to stop blaming others and learn to take responsibility!! Be parents, my goodness! The only time we might have had a small injury was when my oldest was doing what we warned him not to do. You think he ever did that again? Nope! Further more we blamed him not the workers! We go to water parks a lot and my husband has saved several kids that were struggling, so it's bound to happen anywhere, but those guards have a lot to watch for, I've stood up there and observed like they have to and honestly I respect them because just that was too much to take in! Parents need to be responsible, they're your children!!!