Dr Clark is truly a wonderful doctor. If you are the kind of person who hates having to go to the doctor, it is only because you have never gone to see Dr Clark! Not only is he knowledgeable, understanding(when needed...he will never let you b.s. him or yourself), and funny. He is genuine and truly cares about his patients, he never makes you feel like you are a number. Dr Clark is a inspiration, we should all try a little harder to be as kind and giving of ourself and our time as he is, this world would be a better place.
I have receintly had the pleasure of seeing Dr. Clark at his new location in North Garlad and I must say for those who have had trouble with his last office staff, the new office is great, easy to find, warm, friendly, and have wonderful services available, such as after hours clinic, walk~in times, and weekend hours. It seems this it going to be a great move for Dr. Clark.....ME