This company and the Senior Adjuster, who is a female, is extremely rude and goes out of their way to not help you when you need them. My husband has been injured and suffereing from a ruptured disc and 4 Doctor's say he must have a microdiscectomy because it is now affecting his health...yet, the workers compensation board denies his surgery because they sent him to one of ""their"" Doctors and low and behold he just rubber stamped what they wanted and now my husband is spending most of his time in pain and in and out of the hospitals. They do not care and are completely heartless and rude. They have authorized all sorts of morphine and pain killers that do not touch his pain, yet they won't allow the surgery to take place. I've written many letters to the Governor about them. Not one Doctor or nurse that we have met has said one kind word for this company. They are cruel and the way they treat people is criminal. My husband spent over 30 years in law enforcement and paid his dues and gave his time and all they are doing is turning their backs on him. I hope the Sr. claims examiner never has to experience the pain she's putting my husband through. I don't need to mention her name as she knows who I'm talking about if she reads this as well as anyone else who has had dealings with her or this office.