I have tried this place several times when it was Peppi's and was not impressed. The place just always gave me a weird vibe. The food was never that great and the staff was not very knowledgeable about simple, classic drinks. I once ordered a Manhattan and it took them about 15 minutes to find somebody who knew what is was. Even then it came in a shot glass.
I thought I would give it another try since it changed names. That's about all that changed. It was the same horrible food and generic soda. The experience was topped off by what appeared to be a 65 year old man with a 24 year old prostitute in a corner booth. I couldn't help but to watch and try to listen in on their conversation. It was very much getting to know the person talk. Only they were sitting extremely close in the booth. A little too close for it to be a normal conversation. And she was dressed a little too revealing and concerned a little too much about her appearance for it to be innocent. Overall, it really gave me the creeps and I couldn't wait to get out of there.
Pros: Good Location
Cons: Bad food/drinks and possible prostitution