Bad: My spouse works for the City of Amarillo. Recently they changed Doctor and Hospital networks. I did'nt find this out until I went to a Doctor Kennedy.He refused to help me with surgery because he would not go to Northwest Texas hospital or an of their facilaties.This was after an appointment, with a set date to do the surgery.I don't know which was worse Dr. Kennedy's rude, unprofessional, cold staff or the benifits office at the City of Amarillo. Horrible experince. They need to work on their additudes.. Improvements: Friendly, knowledgable employees, When you are sick the last thing you need is someone to be rude, cold and uncaring. Up to date information from the City of Amarillo and the Doctors to make sure they will except your insurance so you don't have to worry about out of pocket bills. We pay for that insurance. If you don't like working with the public, time to find a new job!!!.