1. You have to pay between $450-$900 for pictures.
2.. Tell you its possible to bring your own pictures, but the guy behind the desk with the big ears said he does not take pictures from else where.
3. He will show you a picture of a girl from the trash can and say he could not work with her because of her attitude. Now lets think about that, if he can not accept pictures from else where, why did he take her picture and then rips it off.
4. He shows me laminated article of fraud cases from churches and other places.
5. He is on the defensive and ready to proof that they are not a fraud or scam. Why have articles and everything ready just in case you are checked up on.
6. Why do they accept everyone? I stood outside for almost 2hrs and asked everyone that came out and everyone had to pay for pictures.
7. If you really have talent, they should take yourpictures for free without having you pay 400 for pictures taken with a 500 camera.
8. They play music in the back and say they had been so busy because of a casting call. While there really was not a casting call because I never saw anyone come outside their doors.
9. Did not even talk to my kid, he spent the whole time trying to convince me that they are not fraud.
10. Finally, when you are there, open your eyes and ears and you will see what I am talking about. They think they are smart and its sad that they take hard working people's money and go home and eat with their families.