The Best of the Best..I will tell you why:
#1: JACHO accredited. See web site :Joint Commission accreditaion of health care facilities, then click on behavioral health . This agency supports delivery of safe, qualtiy services.Membership is voluntary. All the hospitals in UT and most everywhere else is accredited by this agency.
#2: The treatment approach is multifaceted, includes spiritual (think yoga, meditation not religion), educational, individual and group therapy, nutrition, exercise and more.
#3: Resident is respected, never shamed No write ups, repeat ..the program does not require residents to watch other residents and write them up resulting in loss of privileges.
#4: The aura at Cirque is welcoming, friendly and upbeat. Very transparent. Residents walk about freely.
#5: Family participation is paramount ! 3 days til the resident can make phone calls and receive visitors NOT 3 weeks or more. Education week is well planned and executed. It is conducted by a team of competent, wonderful, talented ,caring professionals, the very team that works with your loved one. You get to see them in action! You also participate in private and group sessions. Don't worry...You won't be blamed or embarrased. This week will change your outlook forever and will give you peace of mind and confidence that your loved one will be helped. You are welcomed to call and inquire or even leave a message. You will be able to sleep through the night again!
#6 Meals are prepared by the kitchen staff NOT the resident. Fresh fruits and vegetables, no out of the box , cheap junk. Protein shakes and special requests are honored.
This is lengthy as it is critical that you choose wisely to avoid wasting time and money . I am truely thankful for The Cirque Lodge/Studio. A loving, hopeful MOM.